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:: Ibiza-Voice features As You Like It

I have an anniversary to celebrate this weekend. As You Like It is turning one, and what a year it's been! As one of their residents, I've been lucky enough to play alongside the likes of Dan Bell, Sutekh, Ben Klock, and DVS1 to name a few. In celebration, ibiza-voice.com wrote a nice feature about this weekend's event, and our fearless leader Jeremy Bispo. He had some very kind words for his residents: 

"Few promoters give their residents the props they deserve, but Bispo doesn’t believe the AYLI parties would have ever reached critical mass over the past three-sixty-five without the support of his residents: Christina ChatfieldRich Korach, and Mossmoss, it’s a welcome change to hear someone put the locals in the same context as the out-of-town guests, and yet another reason why these gatherings are so distinguished."

Thanks for the love Mr. Bispo, I'm really looking forward to this show.

Read the rest of what ibiza-voice has to say about AYLI.